Sacred Plant Co Chamomile

How to Grow Chamomile from Seed!

The quick and convenient step by step guide to growing your Chamomile plant from seed.

German Chamomile is an annual herb, and although it looks like a delicate plant, it is surprisingly tough! Chamomile is fairly easy to start from seed.

How to Grow Chamomile from Seed!

Growing chamomile from seed is an odyssey, a blend of serendipity and science, much like concocting a fine brew or weaving a tale that dances on the edge of the surreal and the hyper-real. It's a journey that takes you through the intricacies of Mother Nature’s playbook, with a touch of your own maverick spirit.

Step 1: The Prologue – Choosing Your Seeds

Embark on this journey with chamomile seeds that whisper tales of distant lands. Look for two types: German or Roman. German chamomile, the taller, more common variety, is an annual that pirouettes in the wind and reseeds itself, a nomad in the garden. Roman chamomile, a perennial, stays close to the ground, forming a fragrant, evergreen mat.

Step 2: Setting the Stage – Soil and Location

Your chamomile craves a stage that's sunny with well-draining soil. It's a bit like setting up a rock festival – location is everything. Prepare the soil in a way that would make the ancients proud, yet with a nod to the innovations of the modern age. Use your knowledge of Korean Natural Farming to create a soil rich with microorganisms, a veritable feast for your chamomile seeds.

Step 3: The Casting – Sowing the Seeds

Scatter the seeds on the soil like a surrealist painter flicking paint on a canvas. No need to bury them; these seeds need light to germinate, like ideas need exposure to flourish. Mist them with water, as gently as a Colorado breeze.

Step 4: The Waiting Game – Germination

Now comes the interlude. Chamomile seeds take their time – 7 to 14 days to germinate. Keep the soil moist but not drenched, like a well-balanced cocktail. This is nature's way of testing your resolve, your commitment to the art of growing.

Step 5: The Thinning – Survival of the Fittest

Once your seedlings are a few inches tall, thin them out. This is the Darwinian part of the process, ensuring only the strongest, most Hunter S. Thompson-esque plants survive, spaced about 6 inches apart.

Step 6: The Daily Grind – Watering and Weeding

Water them in moderation; these plants are the camels of the herb world. And, as with any great endeavor, there will be adversaries – weeds. Stay vigilant, my friend.This mage illustrates Step 7, showing the harvesting of chamomile flowers in full bloom. It portrays a person gently cutting chamomile flowers in a lush garden, embodying the culmination of a gardener's journey.

Step 7: Harvest – Collecting Your Bounty

When the flowers are in full bloom, with their hearts open to the sky, it's time to harvest. This is the crescendo, the culmination of your efforts. Cut the flowers in the morning after the dew has dried, but before the sun is high. Dry them in a spot where they can bask in the shadows, not the sun.

Step 8: Epilogue – Enjoying Your Chamomile

Brew a cup of tea with your harvest. It's not just a drink; it's an elixir that carries the essence of your journey, from seed to cup, a journey of patience, care, and a touch of wildness.

Remember, growing chamomile is not just about following steps; it's about embracing the chaos and beauty of nature, with a spirit that would make Thompson nod in approval. It's a dance with the earth, a testament to your connection with the land and its ancient rhythms. Happy growing!