How to Grow Romanesco Broccoli from Seed!

How to Grow Romanesco Broccoli from Seed!

The quick and convenient step by step guide to growing your Broccoli Seeds!


Growing Romanesco broccoli is more like growing cauliflower than broccoli in the sense that it is a more temperamental to temperature and requires consistent water and highly organic soil to thrive. Romanesco requires a slightly shaded location with alkaline soil and room to spread as plants grow up to 3 feet in height. It is best to plant Romanesco in the fall in warmer climates.Those in more northerly regions can plant in the spring, after the last frost.


Check Out The Sacred Plant Co Seed Selection

How to Grow Romanesco Seeds


#1 | Fill seed pots with organic potting mix, six weeks before the last expected frost for your region.


# 2 | Place two seeds in each seed pot and moisten the soil slightly.


#3 | Cover the seed pots with plastic wrap to keep moisture in and place the pots in a warm location out of direct sun. Keep the soil moist.keeping the moisture in.


#4 | Remove the plastic wrap after the seeds sprout. Move the pots to a warm area with plenty of sunlight. Keep the soil moist.


#5 | Move the pots outdoors to a protected area out of direct sunlight, 4 weeks after planting. Allow them to harden off for one week. Temperatures should be at least 45 F during the day. Prepare a sunny garden space for the Romanesco transplants by adding plenty of organic compost. Plant the seedlings 16 inches apart in rows that are 24 inches apart.


#6 | Water the Romanesco broccoli twice a week, keeping the top 8 inches of soil damp.


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