How to Grow Wild Lettuce From Seed

How to Grow Wild Lettuce From Seed

The quick and convenient step by step guide to growing your Wild Lettuce Seeds!


Lactuca virosa grows as a biennial, leafy stalk stemming from a large brown taproot. It starts as a low rosette at first, but extends with age, typically measuring up to four feet in height.

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How to Grow Wild Lettuce From Seed


# 1 | Lettuce grows well in cool weather, so the first crop can be direct sown when the soil temperature reaches at least 35 degrees F, or as soon as the soil can be worked. If the soil temperature rises above 75 degrees F, your seeds will become dormant.


# 2 | Direct sow your black seeded simpsion lettuce seed in rich soil and full sun, spreading them as thinly as possible in rows 1-2' apart; when the seedlings begin to grow, thin them to a distance of 6-8".


# 3 | Succession crops can be grown for fresh lettuce all season in areas with cool summers or warm winters; this is accomplished by planting a new crop every 2 weeks.


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